Friday, January 25, 2008


a) "Yagli Gures"
- "Grease Wrestling" is the Turkish national sport and ever year, in July, wrestling championships are held in Kirkpinar, outside Edirne. The contest is made more difficult by the fact that the wrestlers smear themselves with oil.

b) "Cirit Oyunu"
- The "javelin game" of daredevil horsemanship is a sport where wooden javelins are thrown at horseman of opposing teams to gain points. The game is played mainly is Eastern Turkey. Also in Selcuk, in Aegean Region you can watch camel flights (in January), but it for for some reason weat her does not permit, dont despair, camel flights are held in many small towns throughout the springtime. At Artvin Kafkasor, a different type of bullflights is held (in June).

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2008 Holiday, Turkey Holidays, Holiday in Turkey, Travelling to Turkey